The civil service is one of the many ways that Sassari Soccorso has chosen to bring young people closer to rescue

Civil Service

Civil service project 2025/2026

Universal civil service

Sassari Soccorso ranks among the ANPAS associations that offer young people the opportunity to carry out the civil service at their headquarters.

The civil service is aimed at all young people, of Italian and non-Italian nationality, who are in the age group ranging from 18 to 28 years.</span

It is an opportunity to dedicate yourself as military volunteers to a project developed by the ANPAS network and financed by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department of youth policies and the Universal Civil Service. It represents an important opportunity for both personal and professional training and growth. The commitment required will be n. 25 hours per week (approximately) for a total of 1145 hours, for 12 months, for which a bonus of €. 507,30/month.

The areas we are dedicated to are:

health care;

Medical transport;

the volunteer will be supported in the first phase by professionals in the sector who will provide for his training and professional growth. The same will follow professional courses such as:




One ​​of the objectives that Sassari Soccorso sets itself is to place young into the large family of volunteering. The hope is that once the civil service is finished, they will continue in this beautiful area of ​​solidarity and common life.

Information of Projects 2024/2025

  • 4 Places available for the Central Sardinia Project
  • To view the project Click here
  • To complete the application Click here</li >

remember that:

  • access to the platform can only be done with SPID;
  • the application can only be made for one location;
  • deadline for submitting the application 15/02/2024;